January 3, 2017

Pepperplate Review

Pepperplate is a free website application and mobile app that allows you to save and organize your favorite recipes. You can essentially create your own virtual cookbook that allows you to plan meals and build a grocery list.
January 18, 2018

Pastilla Poulet – Moroccan Chicken Bastilla

Inspired by my recent trip to Marrakech, I attempted to make pastilla poulet for the first time. It’s not a difficult dish to make, just time […]
January 21, 2018

Vegetarian Spinach and Mushroom Enchiladas

Go meatless and try this tasty enchilada dish filled with spinach, mushrooms and cheese. Growing up in Texas, Mexican food is super popular. At most restaurants, […]
January 21, 2018

Shakshuka – Middle Eastern Egg Dish

During my recent trip to Marrakech, we were searching for a restaurant nearby that served eggs and toast. We found a place that didn’t have breakfast […]